Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Military Inspiration and HiiRagi Randomness...

I love vintage military documents.  I sure do.  I love the colour of the paper, the tatty edges, the writing, the stamps and the style.  I also love the hidden stories, the sadness, despair and hope contained within their fibres.  And such record keeping!  My great Grandfather was in the 3rd regiment Lighthorse and within the records at the War Memorial there are details of when he was sick, promoted, on leave and wounded (poor thing was wounded 3 times in two years and sent back to the field every time, his even poorer brother was killed the week before the War ended...what a waste...).  Where am I going with this?!  I've been working on my website actually (how's that for a segue) and it has been heavily influenced by (you guessed it) Military documents:

Mmmm...stamps and serial numbers....

More stamps....I must admit there are alot of Ration stamps here, if it was my book, I would have used them all up, probably in one day knowing me (no disrespect intended).

photos from here
Just so many stamps...and so officious...the colour and texture of the paper is just beautiful, you can't fake that unfortunately...Believe me I've tried...
Anyway, stay tuned for the website, it's happening over the next couple of weeks....Hurrah!


  1. wow! can't wait to see your website - will be awesome.

  2. Thanks! I hope so! It's been so long coming that it doesn't seem real really...
