Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Recon Unit Geisha: up close and personal

Sometimes when I look at my toys I think that I am too used to seeing them. I love hearing peoples feedback at the stall and emails, where a common one is the detail involved in them. So I thought perhaps I should try to show this a bit more in my photographs, and ta da! First up is the elusive Geisha....

Her description is:

The mysterious world of the Geisha. What secrets hide in the teahouses of Gion? Recon Unit goes undercover to discover the feminine skills behind bringing (salary) men to their kness with the flick of a wrist. This power must be harnessed for the HiiRagi cause.

And so behold!

oooooo...lovely ladies.....

I actually think their main secret lies in the beautiful red lips...

I actually use kimono silk for their dresses and then a beautiful shot silk for the obi. Feels and looks divine...

Another detail that only the geisha have is that they have two 'twinkle' spots in their eyes, if you look at all the other Recon Units, they have only one. I find two adds to the feminine allure...What do you think?


  1. They totally look more feminine with the second twinkle in their eyes! The kimono's are the cutest.

  2. Thanks Anna! I thought you would like these...
