The old wire crawl idea. I have actually been making miniature versions of barb wire but more on that later.
Tyre jump
And the chin up bar....I said give me 10!
So far I have made a few sand bags and have been experimenting with photographs, seeing how well it could fit together.
Not bad for a mornings work. I need to make more sandbags now though and have a closer look at the set of Hogan's Heroes I think. I had a little play in Photoshop too with bits and pieces.
Yep, black and white with a bit of vignetting for good luck. I'm actually going to use my Diana F+ camera when I set it all up properly as nothing can truly recreate the look of grainy film like the real thing. Hopefully it will all be great! What do you think?
I think it's awesome! The last photo's perfect, good atmosphere and all, can't wait to see what you will come up with :-)